How to Become a Successful Airbnb Host Without Owning a Single Property

Andrew Airbnb
10 min readOct 16, 2023


airbnb host without owning property

In a world where sharing is caring, Airbnb has revolutionized the way we think about hospitality, and you can jump on board this lucrative bandwagon without even owning a single brick-and-mortar property.

Airbnb is more than just a platform to book cozy vacation stays. It’s a global phenomenon, a game-changer, and a trendsetter that’s turned the traditional hospitality industry on its head. It all began when a couple of broke roommates in San Francisco decided to rent out their spare air mattress to earn a few bucks and give people a cheap place to crash during a local conference. Fast forward to today, and Airbnb boasts millions of listings in over 220 countries and regions.

In this article, we’re going to spill the beans on how to become a successful Airbnb host without owning a single property. That’s right, you can cash in on the Airbnb craze, create unforgettable experiences for travelers, and pad your wallet, all without holding a deed or having a mortgage. Whether you’re a savvy urban dweller with a spare room, a countryside enthusiast with an extra cottage, or a digital nomad hopping from place to place, there’s a way for you to tap into the Airbnb goldmine. We’ll guide you through the nitty-gritty, reveal some clever hacks, and show you that hosting on Airbnb can be your ticket to a side hustle or even a full-blown career.

Let’s dive in and explore the wonderful world of Airbnb hosting without the need for property ownership.

What is Co-hosting?

Co-hosting is like the Robin to the property owner’s Batman in the Airbnb world. You’re the sidekick, but you play a vital role. Essentially, it involves teaming up with someone who owns an Airbnb property and helping them manage the listing. You get to handle the nitty-gritty details of hosting, from check-ins to cleanings, and ensuring guests have a fantastic stay.

Now, you might wonder, what’s in it for you? Well, you earn a slice of the booking pie, typically somewhere between 10–25%. Not too shabby, right? And you don’t need to worry about owning a property or making a big upfront investment.

How to Find Co-hosting Opportunities

So, where can you find these golden co-hosting opportunities? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Ask Around: Start with your inner circle. Your friends, family, and neighbors might know someone looking for a co-host. It’s a great way to get started and build trust right from the get-go.
  2. Online Hunt: The internet is teeming with opportunities. Many websites and platforms connect co-hosts with property owners. Think of it as Airbnb matchmaking. Check out platforms like HostMaker, GuestReady, or Nestpick to get started.
  3. Network Like a Pro: Attend Airbnb meetups, workshops, and events in your area. Networking with other hosts can open doors to co-hosting gigs. Also, don’t forget to connect with fellow hosts on social media. Sometimes, opportunities are just a DM away.

Benefits of Co-hosting

Now, let’s talk about the sweet perks of being an Airbnb co-host:

Earn Extra Income:

Who doesn’t love a little extra cash? Co-hosting can be your side hustle, earning you a chunk of the booking revenue. With some listings raking in good money, that percentage can add up nicely.

Gain Valuable Experience:

Co-hosting isn’t just about the Benjamins; it’s a learning experience. You get to peek behind the curtain of the Airbnb business. It’s like getting a backstage pass to the hosting world. This knowledge can be super handy if you decide to become a full-fledged host yourself someday.

Meet New People:

One of the coolest perks is that you get to meet people from all over the world. Hosting guests means you can learn about different cultures, share stories, and make new friends. It’s like traveling without leaving your home.

Tips for Successful Co-hosting

Now that you’re all fired up to become an Airbnb co-host, here are some essential tips to keep you on the right track:


Talk to the property owner regularly. Discuss fees, your responsibilities, and when you’re available to jump in. Clear communication is key to a successful co-hosting partnership.

Be a Speedy Responder

Guests love hosts who respond quickly. If someone has a question or an issue, the faster you address it, the happier they’ll be. So, keep an eye on those messages and be on your A-game.

Deliver a Memorable Experience

Remember, your goal is to give guests a fantastic experience from start to finish. Be welcoming, offer help, and be flexible to their needs. A happy guest is a returning guest.

But wait, there’s more:

Stay Organized: Co-hosting can be a juggling act. You need to keep track of bookings, messages, and maintenance tasks. Staying organized is your secret weapon.

Roll with the Punches: Airbnb hosting isn’t always smooth sailing. Be prepared to adapt when things don’t go as planned. Whether it’s a last-minute booking or a sudden plumbing issue, staying cool under pressure is a must.

Professionalism Counts: Treat your co-hosting gig like a business. Be professional and courteous in all your interactions, both with the property owner and the guests. A little politeness goes a long way.

And if you want some extra guidance, check out these resources:

What is Airbnb property management?

First things first, let’s get the basics down. Airbnb property management is essentially running the show for short-term rental properties on behalf of their owners. You’re the behind-the-scenes hero, taking care of everything from getting the property listed and noticed to making sure guests have a smooth check-in and check-out experience. Oh, and keeping the place clean and in tip-top shape is a big part of the gig too.

How to become an Airbnb property manager

Now, you might be wondering how to dive into this Airbnb property management gig. Well, there are a couple of routes to take.

Starting your own Airbnb property management business

If you’re the entrepreneurial type, you can roll up your sleeves and start your own Airbnb property management business. Sounds fancy, right? To get this ball rolling, you’ll need to tick a few boxes.

  • Get your paperwork in order: First off, you’ll need a business license and some insurance to cover your back in case anything goes sideways.
  • Create an online presence: You’ll want to have a snazzy website and some marketing materials to tell the world about your services. Think of it as your digital storefront.

Joining an existing property management company

Not too keen on the whole “starting from scratch” thing? No worries, you can join an existing property management company that deals with short-term rentals. Many of them have Airbnb divisions now. To land a gig like this, you’ll typically need some experience in the property management world.

Benefits of being an Airbnb property manager

So, what’s in it for you, besides the opportunity to play host without the commitment of property ownership? Here are some juicy benefits:

  • Cha-ching!: The potential to make some decent dough is probably the biggest draw. Airbnb property managers usually take a commission on the rental income they help generate. Depending on the level of service you provide, that cut can range from 10% to 30%.
  • Freedom and flexibility: You’re the boss of your own schedule. You can choose the properties you want to manage and work hours that suit your lifestyle. If you’ve got other commitments like family or school, this setup can be a game-changer.

Tips for successful Airbnb property management

Now, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty of being a successful Airbnb property manager. These tips will help you stand out and keep those positive reviews flowing in:

  1. Be the hotline bling: Guests should always be able to reach you. You need to be super responsive and effective at communicating. No one likes to be left hanging when they’ve got questions or concerns. You should also keep guests in the loop about any changes to their reservation or the property.
  2. Make it sparkle: Before guests roll in, make sure the property is clean, cozy, and stocked up. Think of it as creating a home away from home. Guests should have all the info they need to have a comfy stay, like the lowdown on local attractions, restaurants, and transportation.
  3. Be pro and reliable: It’s a given that Airbnb property managers need to be pro and reliable. That means showing up on time for appointments, meeting deadlines, and keeping your word. Trust is the name of the game.

Additional tips for success

We’re not done yet! Here are a few more tips to level up your Airbnb property management game:

  1. Become an Airbnb Superhost: Superhosts are like the superheroes of the Airbnb world. To join the club, you need to meet certain criteria like having a high response rate, getting great reviews, and avoiding cancellations. Being a Superhost can boost your credibility and attract more guests.
  2. Crunch those numbers: Airbnb provides hosts with some nifty analytics. It’s like your secret weapon. You can use this data to see how you’re doing, spot areas for improvement, and fine-tune your hosting game.
  3. Network like a pro: Join online and offline Airbnb host communities. This is where you can rub virtual shoulders with experienced hosts and stay in the loop about what’s hot in the Airbnb world. It’s also a great place to seek advice and learn from the pros.

What is rental arbitrage Airbnb?

Let’s break it down in simple terms. Rental arbitrage Airbnb is like becoming a middleman (or middlewoman) between property owners and Airbnb guests. You lease a property, say, from a landlord, and then you turn around and list it on Airbnb for short-term stays. The goal is to make a profit between what you pay in rent and what you earn from guests.

Benefits of rental arbitrage Airbnb

Why jump into the world of rental arbitrage? Well, there are some enticing perks:

  1. No big bucks for buying property: The most obvious benefit is that you don’t need to be a real estate tycoon to start. No down payment, no mortgages — you’re just renting and listing.
  2. Cash in on the Airbnb boom: Airbnb is all the rage these days, and there’s a constant stream of travelers looking for cool spots to crash. You can tap into this demand and make some dough.
  3. Flexibility is the name of the game: You can choose where and when you want to play landlord. Want to try different neighborhoods or cities? No problem! You’re not tied down to a single property.
  4. Low risk, potentially high reward: Since you’re not forking out a fortune for property, your risk is relatively low. If the place doesn’t perform as expected, you can pivot and try something new.

Risks of rental arbitrage Airbnb

Of course, every rose has its thorns, and rental arbitrage Airbnb is no different. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Monthly rent vs. nightly income: There’s a balance to strike between what you pay in rent each month and what you earn from Airbnb guests. If your rental costs are too high, you might find yourself in the red.

2. The landlord factor: Not all landlords are thrilled about the idea of you subletting their property on Airbnb. Make sure to have a rock-solid lease agreement that allows you to do this.

3. Property management ain’t a walk in the park: Being an Airbnb host means you’ll be dealing with guest inquiries, check-ins, cleaning, and the occasional hiccup. It can be time-consuming and might feel like a side hustle.

4. Competition is real: There’s no shortage of Airbnb listings out there. You’ll need to up your game to stand out from the crowd and get those bookings.

How to get started with rental arbitrage Airbnb

Ready to dip your toes into the rental arbitrage pool? Here’s how to dive in:

  1. Crunch the numbers: Start by finding properties in your area with a good potential for Airbnb guests. Look for places that are well-located, have an attractive vibe, and fit your budget. Do the math — calculate the rent, utilities, and other expenses to make sure you can turn a profit.
  2. Check the lease: When you’ve got your eye on a place, check the lease carefully. You need to make sure it allows for subletting on Airbnb. If not, talk to the landlord and try to work something out.
  3. Set up shop: Once you’ve got the green light from your landlord, it’s time to furnish and decorate the place. Make it inviting and functional for guests. Keep it clean, clutter-free, and stylish.
  4. Create a killer Airbnb listing: Your listing is like the online dating profile of your property. Take great photos, write a captivating description, and provide all the info a guest might need. Be honest, and highlight the unique features of your place.
  5. Pricing strategy: You don’t want to overcharge and scare away potential guests, but you also don’t want to sell yourself short. Check out the prices of similar listings in your area and set a competitive rate.
  6. Be a top-notch host: Once the bookings start rolling in, be responsive to guest inquiries, provide a smooth check-in experience, and maintain the property to high standards. Good reviews can make or break your Airbnb gig.
  7. Marketing and promotions: Don’t just rely on Airbnb’s platform to get bookings. You can use social media, local ads, and even your personal network to spread the word about your Airbnb listing.
  8. Keep an eye on the numbers: Regularly check your finances and bookings. Adjust your pricing and strategies as needed to maximize your earnings.

In this article, we’ve uncovered the fascinating world of Airbnb hosting without owning a single property. Whether you choose co-hosting, property management, or rental arbitrage, there are exciting opportunities for you to earn, learn, and have a blast in the realm of short-term rentals.

So, keep your eyes peeled for the next installment, where we’ll help you take your Airbnb hosting journey to the next level. Get ready to embark on a path that allows you to share your space, your city, and your unique brand of hospitality with the world. Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts. We’d love to hear from you as we continue this exciting adventure in the world of Airbnb hosting. Stay tuned!



Andrew Airbnb

Travel and Tourism Copywriter | Boost Your Listing's Visibility with My Compelling Copywriting! |