Get More Airbnb Bookings With This Simple Pricing Trick

Andrew Airbnb
8 min readOct 24, 2023


Get More Airbnb Bookings With This Simple Pricing Trick
Airbnb Simple Pricing Trick

How to Get More Airbnb Bookings by Using This Simple Pricing Trick

Okay, let’s talk Airbnb, folks. If you’ve got an Airbnb listing, you’re probably all about getting those bookings, right? I mean, what’s the point of having a cozy pad if nobody’s crashing in it? But here’s the thing — to score those bookings, you’ve gotta be a pricing ninja.

Now, I get it, pricing can be a head-scratcher. There’s a zillion pricing strategies out there, and it’s easy to feel lost in the Airbnb pricing maze. You’re probably wondering, “Should I charge more in the summer, less in the winter, and what about my neighbor’s swanky place?” It’s like Airbnb algebra and not the fun kind.

But guess what? There’s a trick, a simple one, that can turn your booking game up a notch and bring in more cash. So, grab your notebook, or open up your Notes app — because we’re about to drop some knowledge on you.

Airbnb pricing, in a nutshell, is like trying to solve a puzzle. You’ve got to factor in where your place is, what time of year it is, and how you stack up against the competition. It’s enough to make your head spin! But don’t stress, because this pricing trick is a game-changer.

In this article, we’re going to spill the beans on this straightforward pricing trick that’ll have you doing a happy dance every time a booking rolls in. Let’s do this!

The Importance of Pricing Strategy

Picture this: you’ve got a fantastic Airbnb property, cozy and inviting, ready to host guests. But wait, there’s something missing — guests! Why? Well, it often comes down to the price you set. Let’s dive into why pricing is a game-changer for your Airbnb success.

A. Why Price Matters

Okay, so you might wonder why we’re fussing over price. Here’s the deal: the price you set can make or break your Airbnb business. It’s like finding that sweet spot on a seesaw; too high, and you’re empty-handed, too low, and you’re missing out on cash. You want the perfect balance.

B. Filling Those Beds and Coffers

When you get your pricing right, you fill up your calendar with bookings, and that means more money in your pocket. It’s not just about making a few extra bucks; it’s about maximizing your income. Whether it’s paying the bills, saving for that vacation, or even turning Airbnb hosting into a full-time gig, pricing is your secret weapon.

C. Dynamic Pricing: Not as Scary as It Sounds

Dynamic pricing might sound fancy, but it’s just a smart way of saying that your pricing should adapt to the situation. Think of it like this — your property’s value isn’t the same every day. A weekend when there’s a big music festival nearby? That’s prime time! But on a quiet Tuesday in the off-season, not so much. Dynamic pricing is about setting rates that fit the moment, so you can attract guests and cash in on those busy times.

So, there you have it — the importance of pricing for your Airbnb. Now, we’ll dive into the trick to make your pricing strategy really work for you. Stay tuned for the simple but powerful pricing secret that can help you unlock your Airbnb’s full potential.

Understanding Your Property and Market

So, we’ve talked about how pricing can be a game-changer, but there’s more to it than just picking a random number. Let’s dig into why knowing your property and your market inside out is crucial.

A. Your Property’s Unique Flair

First things first, what makes your Airbnb special? Is it a cozy cabin in the woods, a chic city apartment, or a beachfront bungalow? Your property’s unique features are your selling points. Do you have a hot tub, a stunning view, or a spacious garden? Knowing what sets your place apart can help you market it better.

B. Spy on the Neighbors (Legally)

Understanding your competition is a smart move. Check out other Airbnb listings in your area. See what they offer, their prices, and their reviews. This research isn’t about copying them; it’s about learning and figuring out how you can stand out in the crowd.

C. Timing is Everything

Local events and demand spikes can be your best friends. If there’s a big music festival or a major sports event happening nearby, you’ve got an opportunity to rake in more bookings. Being aware of these local happenings can help you adjust your pricing to attract guests who want to be part of the action.

By analyzing your property’s strengths, keeping an eye on the competition, and staying in tune with local events, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of Airbnb pricing. And don’t worry, we’ll get to that simple pricing trick soon. Just remember, it’s not all about the numbers; it’s about understanding your property and your market to make those numbers work for you.

The Simple Pricing Trick

Okay, here’s the juicy part. We’re about to spill the beans on that simple pricing trick that can supercharge your Airbnb bookings. And guess what? It’s not rocket science; it’s all about being a bit of a pricing ninja.

A. Be Proactive, Not Reactive

First things first, let’s be proactive. Don’t just set a price and forget about it. Think of your Airbnb pricing like a fine-tuned instrument. You want to find the right note for every day on your calendar. Why? Because, unlike some products, a day without a booking is like money left on the table, and you can’t go back in time to fix it.

B. Every Day is Unique

Think about it: not every day is the same in the world of Airbnb. Weekends might be busier, and local events can create sudden spikes in demand. So, the trick is to adjust your prices to match each day’s potential. This way, you’re not just hoping for bookings; you’re actively going out to get them.

C. Time is of the Essence

Remember, Airbnb bookings are like fresh bread; they’re best when they’re hot. If you don’t get a booking today, you can’t sell it tomorrow. So, it’s all about finding the right price at the right time. Don’t worry; we’re about to get into the nitty-gritty of when to raise or lower your prices, so you get the most out of every day.

That’s it, the secret sauce is all about being proactive with your pricing. No need to be a financial whiz; it’s about understanding your calendar and being a bit of a pricing magician. In our next section, we’ll dive into the factors that affect your pricing decisions, so you can maximize those bookings. Stay with us, you’re on your way to Airbnb success!

Factors Affecting Price Changes

Alright, now that you know the importance of proactive pricing and understanding your property and market, let’s dive into what makes your Airbnb prices go up and down. It’s not as complicated as it sounds; it’s all about supply, demand, and timing.

A. Supply and Demand: The Basics

Remember those Econ 101 lessons? Supply and demand are like the bread and butter of pricing. When there’s high demand for your property, like during a big local event or in the peak season, you can bump up those prices. It’s like charging a bit extra when everyone wants a piece of the pie.

B. Riding the High-Demand Wave

Think about it: when there’s a big music festival or a major sports event in town, your property becomes a hot commodity. People are willing to pay more to secure a place to stay. That’s when you can flex those pricing muscles and raise your rates.

C. Last-Minute Bargains

Now, let’s talk about those spontaneous travelers. They decide to pack their bags and head to your area at the last minute. You can attract them with lower prices. Why? Because when you’re running out of time to fill up your calendar, it’s better to get a booking at a slightly lower rate than having an empty space.

So, here’s the deal: supply and demand play a big role in setting your Airbnb prices. When everyone’s itching to book, you can charge a bit more, and when you’re running out of time to fill your calendar, lowering those prices can work wonders. It’s all about striking that balance.

Monitoring and Adjusting

So, you’ve learned about proactive pricing, understanding your property, market dynamics, and unique strategies for larger properties. Now, it’s time to discuss a vital part of the puzzle — monitoring and adjusting your pricing strategy. Let’s dive in.

A. Stay on Your Toes

Think of your Airbnb pricing like a living, breathing thing. It’s not a set-and-forget kind of deal. You need to keep a close eye on how your strategy is performing. Are the bookings rolling in, or are your calendars looking emptier than a ghost town? Regularly check and adjust.

B. Data is Your Friend

Data is your secret weapon. Your Airbnb dashboard is a goldmine of information. Look at your booking history, guest reviews, and local events. Use this data to spot trends. Did your prices work like a charm during that local music festival? Or maybe you need to rethink your rates for the slow season.

C. Adapt, Don’t Set in Stone

Flexibility is the name of the game. You might start with a pricing strategy, but be ready to tweak it as you go. If something’s not working, don’t be afraid to make changes. Maybe you’ve noticed that last-minute bookings are your jam, or perhaps you realize that offering monthly discounts is the way to go during the off-season.

Being adaptable and willing to change is your path to Airbnb success. The Airbnb landscape is always shifting, and the best hosts roll with the punches.


Congratulations! You’ve made it through the ins and outs of boosting your Airbnb bookings with a simple pricing trick. Let’s wrap things up and recap the key takeaways from our journey.

A. Key Takeaways

So, what have you learned? First, pricing is a powerful tool that can make or break your Airbnb success. It’s not just about setting numbers; it’s about understanding your property, your market, and the unique factors that affect your pricing.

B. Simplicity is the Key

The big secret? The pricing trick isn’t rocket science. It’s about being proactive with your pricing, finding the right price for each day, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of Airbnb.

C. Ready to Boost Your Bookings?*

Now, it’s your turn. We encourage all property owners to implement this strategy. Whether you’re just starting or you’ve been hosting for a while, this simple pricing trick can make a world of difference in your Airbnb business. So, why wait?

Remember, success is just around the corner. By being proactive, staying flexible, and keeping an eye on your property’s unique strengths, you can make the most of every day on your Airbnb calendar.

So, go ahead, implement the trick, and start reaping the rewards of a fully booked Airbnb. Happy hosting!



Andrew Airbnb

Travel and Tourism Copywriter | Boost Your Listing's Visibility with My Compelling Copywriting! |