Airbnb Battle Against Fake Listings: A Guide for Guests and Hosts

Andrew Airbnb
6 min readOct 15, 2023


Airbnb Battle Against Fake Listings: A Guide for Guests and Hosts
Airbnb Battle Against Fake Listings: A Guide for Guests and Hosts

Fake listings on Airbnb have been causing all sorts of trouble. Imagine booking what looks like a dream vacation spot, only to arrive at a run-down shack. Or, if you’re a host, picture someone impersonating your rental, ruining your reputation, and possibly even breaking the law. Fake listings are like the pests of the vacation rental world, and Airbnb has decided it’s time to exterminate them.

You might have heard about Airbnb’s efforts to tackle this issue. In 2023, Airbnb made some big announcements about their plans to deal with fake listings. They’ve put on their detective hats and are using fancy technology, partnering with local authorities, and even giving hosts a crash course on spotting the fakes. So, if you’re an Airbnb host, or if you’re planning to book a stay through the platform, you’ll want to stay tuned and read on.

The Fake Listing Fiasco

Let’s get one thing straight — fake Airbnb listings are a massive headache. It’s like ordering a juicy cheeseburger and getting a cardboard cutout instead. Guests who fall for fake listings can kiss their hard-earned cash goodbye. But it’s not just about the money; it’s about the excitement of a much-anticipated vacation being crushed.

Airbnb New Measures

So, what’s Airbnb doing to kick those fake listings to the curb? In 2023, they made a bunch of announcements about their new measures to tackle the problem head-on. They’re like the superhero of the vacation rental world, swooping in to save the day. Here’s what they’re up to:

1. High-Tech Detectives
Airbnb has enlisted the help of technology to weed out the phonies. They’re using machine learning and artificial intelligence to spot fake listings. It’s like having Sherlock Holmes and Watson working around the clock. This tech can spot suspicious listings based on a bunch of factors like duplicate photos, prices that sound too good to be true, and descriptions that don’t add up. If it quacks like a fake listing, it’s outta there.

2. Teaming Up with the Locals
Airbnb has decided to make friends with the folks in the local government. They’re working hand in hand with local authorities to verify that the listings on their platform are legit. It’s all about making sure that the listings comply with the local laws and regulations. You won’t have to worry about renting a place that’s illegal or unsafe because Airbnb is on the case.

3. Hosts Get Schooled
To tackle the issue at its root, Airbnb is educating its hosts. They’re giving hosts the lowdown on how to spot fake listings and what to do about them. It’s like arming the hosts with a secret weapon. When they see something fishy, they can report it and help keep the Airbnb community safe.

These measures are Airbnb’s way of saying, “Fake listings, your time is up!” They’re taking the problem seriously and making sure that you, as a guest, can book your dream vacation with confidence. And if you’re a host, you won’t have to worry about someone tarnishing your good name with a phony listing.

Airbnb Battle Against Fake Listings

How to Spot a Fake Airbnb Listing

Spotting a fake Airbnb listing can sometimes feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack, but with a few tricks up your sleeve, you can avoid falling into their traps.

Low Prices or Unrealistic Amenities: One big giveaway is when a listing seems too good to be true. If it offers a luxurious penthouse in the heart of the city for a fraction of the price of other similar listings, you should raise an eyebrow. Scammers often use enticingly low prices and over-the-top amenities to lure unsuspecting guests.

Payment Outside of Airbnb’s Platform: Airbnb has a secure payment system in place. If a host ever asks you to pay through wire transfer, Western Union, or any other third-party service, it’s a bright red flag. Legitimate hosts will always ask for payment through Airbnb’s platform to ensure both parties are protected.

Negative Reviews or No Reviews: Reviews are the lifeblood of Airbnb. If a listing has a bunch of negative reviews, that’s a sign you should steer clear. These reviews can reveal issues with communication, property conditions, and other potential problems. But on the flip side, if a listing has zero reviews, it might be a newbie, or it could be a scam. Be cautious and do some extra digging in this case.

What to Do if You Think You’ve Booked a Fake Airbnb Listing

So, you’ve got that sinking feeling that you’ve been duped by a fake listing. Don’t worry; there are steps you can take to get out of this situation:

Contact Airbnb: The first thing to do is reach out to Airbnb pronto. You can do this through a phone call, email, or their live chat. Provide them with all the booking details, the listing’s address, and any other relevant information. Airbnb takes these reports seriously and will launch an investigation.

Gather Evidence: While waiting for Airbnb to do its thing, gather evidence. Take screenshots of the listing, your conversations with the host, and any other bits and pieces that can back up your claim. It’s like building a case to prove you’ve been had.

Have a Backup Plan: If you’re in a city you’re not familiar with, it’s smart to have a backup plan in case you can’t stay at the Airbnb you thought you booked. This might mean reserving a hotel room or having a friend or family member on speed dial who can rescue you.

Tips for Hosts to Avoid Creating Fake Listings

If you’re an Airbnb host, congratulations on embarking on the journey of sharing your space with travelers. But it’s vital to keep it real and play by the rules. Here’s how:

Be Honest and Transparent: The golden rule of hosting on Airbnb is to be honest. Your listing should accurately represent your property’s actual condition. Don’t exaggerate the amenities, and don’t sweep potential problems under the rug. Transparency builds trust.

Use Accurate Photos and Descriptions: Paint a clear picture with your listing. Use high-quality photos that honestly depict your property’s size, condition, and features. Write a straightforward and informative description that covers all the important details.

Respond Promptly and Professionally: When potential guests reach out with questions, reply promptly and professionally. Be helpful and polite, and answer any queries they may have. Good communication goes a long way in making guests feel comfortable.

Follow Airbnb Rules: Airbnb has its own set of rules and regulations. Make sure your listing complies with these guidelines. This includes having a valid government ID, adhering to local laws and regulations, and maintaining a clean and safe property.

By sticking to these host commandments, you not only avoid creating fake listings but also help maintain the trust and safety of the Airbnb community.

Additional Tips for Hosts

Get Verified by Airbnb: Getting verified is like putting a stamp of authenticity on your profile. Airbnb verifies your identity and property address. Guests tend to trust verified hosts more, and your listing is more likely to appear higher in search results.

Encourage Guest Reviews: Positive reviews are like gold for your listing. Encourage your guests to leave reviews after their stay. The more positive reviews you have, the more attractive your listing becomes to potential guests.

Be Responsive to Guest Feedback: If you receive a negative review, don’t take it personally. Instead, respond promptly and professionally. Show that you value guest feedback and are willing to make necessary improvements to enhance the guest experience. This can go a long way in rebuilding trust.

Fake Airbnb listings might be out there, but with Airbnb’s efforts to crack down on them and these tips for both guests and hosts, you can confidently explore new destinations and share your space with travelers. Stay vigilant and enjoy your Airbnb adventures!



Andrew Airbnb

Travel and Tourism Copywriter | Boost Your Listing's Visibility with My Compelling Copywriting! |