A Host’s Secret Weapon: 10 Easy Hacks for an Exceptional Airbnb Experience

Andrew Airbnb
20 min readOct 21, 2023


A Host’s Secret Weapon: 10 Easy Hacks for an Exceptional Airbnb Experience
10 Easy Hacks for an Exceptional Airbnb Experience

Are you ready to unlock the secrets to becoming the ultimate Airbnb host? Whether you’re a seasoned host or just dipping your toes into the world of short-term rentals, we’ve got a treasure trove of tips and tricks that will make your Airbnb setup truly exceptional.

Imagine a hosting experience where your guests leave with big smiles, glowing reviews, and a deep desire to return. But it’s not just about keeping your guests happy; it’s also about making your life as a host a breeze. We understand that, and that’s why we’re here to reveal our top 10 easy hacks for an outstanding Airbnb experience.

Being an Airbnb host isn’t just about offering a place to stay; it’s about crafting an experience that leaves a lasting impression. It’s about striking that perfect balance between creating a space where your guests feel at home and ensuring your operations run like a well-oiled machine. In other words, it’s a delicate dance between guest satisfaction and efficient management.

In this article, we’re going to let you in on our secret weapon — 10 genius hacks that can take your Airbnb setup to the next level. These are simple yet highly effective tips that can make all the difference in the world, not only for your guests but also for your day-to-day hosting life.

So, why should you keep reading? We’re glad you asked! We’re about to share some insider wisdom that can truly transform your Airbnb hosting game. From the moment your guests walk through the door to the ease of managing your property behind the scenes, these hacks will help you shine as a host.

Our purpose here is crystal clear — we want to help you create an Airbnb experience that’s unforgettable. We’re on a mission to make your guest’s stay as delightful as possible, and to make your hosting life smoother than ever. Get ready to dive into our 10 simple yet genius Airbnb hosting hacks that can set you on the path to hosting success. Let’s get started, shall we?

1. Labeling Kitchen Cabinets — A Game-Changer

Labeling Kitchen Cabinets — A Game-Changer
Labeling Kitchen Cabinets

Let’s kick off our quest for the ultimate Airbnb hosting success with a hack that’s as simple as it is brilliant: labeling kitchen cabinets. You might be wondering, “How can labels make that big of a difference?” Well, buckle up because we’re about to spill the beans on why this little trick is a total game-changer.

Picture this: your guests arrive at your cozy Airbnb. They’re excited to whip up a meal in your well-equipped kitchen, but there’s one problem — they can’t find a thing! Without labels, it’s like a treasure hunt gone wrong. The salt is hiding behind the cereal, the coffee mugs have vanished into thin air, and your guests are left scratching their heads.

Now, let’s flip the script. You’ve taken the time to label every cabinet, shelf, and drawer in your kitchen. It’s a small effort that pays off big time. As soon as your guests open a cabinet, they see labels telling them exactly what’s inside. No more guessing games. They find the pots, pans, and utensils without a hitch.

But here’s where it gets even better. Labeling isn’t just about helping your guests. It’s your secret weapon in maintaining order behind the scenes. Imagine this scenario: your guests depart, and it’s time to clean up and prep for the next ones. With labeled cabinets, your cleaning team knows precisely where everything belongs. It’s like a puzzle with all the pieces in the right place.

But labels don’t just stop there. They’ve got your back in another crucial way — spotting missing items. Let’s say your listing mentions a toaster, but suddenly, it’s nowhere to be found. Panic mode, right? Not when you’ve labeled your cabinets! You check the designated spot for the toaster, and if it’s MIA, you know something’s up. Maybe a previous guest accidentally stashed it in the wrong place (yes, it happens), or they thought it was a goner and chucked it in the trash (true story).

By the way, who’d have thought you’d find a toaster at the bottom of the trash can? But these little mysteries can be easily unraveled when your cabinets are clearly labeled.

We get it; everyone’s got their own preferences when it comes to kitchen setup. But if you want to simplify the guest experience, labels are the way to go. Guests are more likely to respect your space when they know where everything belongs. It’s like an unspoken invitation to keep things tidy.

Still uncertain about what to label and how to do it? No worries, we’ve got your back. In fact, we’ve created a sample inventory that can be your guiding star in this labeling adventure. You can snag it through the link in the description below. Easy, right?

2. Dishwasher-Safe, Dark Cutting Boards

Dark Cutting Boards

Okay, folks, we’re diving into our second Airbnb hosting hack, and this one’s all about something that’s an absolute kitchen essential: cutting boards. But not just any cutting boards — we’re talking about the ones that can make your hosting life a whole lot easier and your guests’ experience top-notch.

You might be wondering, “What’s the big deal with cutting boards?” Well, trust us, there’s more to this kitchen item than meets the eye. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of why choosing dishwasher-safe, dark cutting boards is a host’s secret weapon.

First things first, why go for dishwasher-safe cutting boards? It all boils down to one simple fact: guests don’t like doing dishes when they’re on vacation. Heck, most of us don’t even want to hand-wash dishes at home, right? We get it; it’s 2023, and we’re all about convenience. So, let’s not make guests scrub away when they’d rather be sipping on their vacation drinks or exploring the sights.

Enter our newfound love: the black polygranate set from Target. The dark color isn’t just for the aesthetics; it’s practical too. You see, it hides any potential food stains like a champ. Plus, here’s the real kicker — they’re dishwasher safe. You can toss them in the dishwasher over and over again, and they come out as good as new. Even better? It’s the same set we use at our own home.

So, if you’re wondering which cutting boards to go for, these dark, dishwasher-safe ones are a win-win. They look good, they’re easy to clean, and they stand up to the test of time. Your guests will appreciate the effort you put into making their stay hassle-free.

Now, about the dark color — it’s not just about aesthetics. It’s about keeping those cutting boards looking presentable even after the messiest of cooking sessions. Picture this: your guests are whipping up a delicious meal, and there’s tomato sauce flying, herbs being chopped, and all sorts of colorful ingredients in the mix. On a light-colored board, it’s like a neon sign saying, “Stains, stains everywhere!”

But with a dark cutting board, those stains are camouflaged, hiding in plain sight. Your guests can go all out in the kitchen without worrying about leaving behind a rainbow of stains. And it’s not just about appearances; it’s about peace of mind.

We know you might have your own preferences when it comes to kitchen items, but this one’s a no-brainer. Dark, dishwasher-safe cutting boards make life easier for everyone — your guests, your cleaning crew, and you as a host.

If you’re looking for the perfect cutting board, we recommend checking out the ones with a dark, rich color, and make sure they’re marked as dishwasher safe. You’ll find these gems at your local stores or online.

In the end, it’s all about creating a hassle-free experience for your guests, and this hack is a small but mighty step in that direction. So, equip your kitchen with these game-changing cutting boards, and your Airbnb experience is bound to get a big thumbs up from your guests.

3. Transparent Refillable Soap Dispensers

Transparent Refillable Soap Dispensers

Alright, hosts, let’s move on to our third secret weapon in the quest for an exceptional Airbnb experience: transparent refillable soap dispensers. You might be thinking, “Why should I care about soap dispensers?” Well, we’re about to reveal why these little wonders can be a game-changer for your hosting game.

First off, let’s talk about the aesthetics. Transparent soap dispensers are a visual treat. They add a touch of sophistication to your bathroom or kitchen. And hey, don’t we all appreciate good-looking stuff? Your guests will too. They instantly convey a sense of cleanliness and tidiness that sets the right tone for their stay.

But it’s not just about appearances; it’s about practicality too. These dispensers are like a two-for-one deal. They look good, and they’re incredibly convenient. Here’s why.

One key feature to look for when choosing these dispensers is a wide mouth. Why? Because it makes refilling a breeze. You won’t be struggling to pour liquid soap or lotion into a tiny opening, risking spills and messes. Instead, wide-mouth dispensers are a host’s dream. You can effortlessly pour in the soap, and it’s all neat and tidy.

Now, let’s talk about maintenance. Transparent dispensers have a hidden superpower: you can easily see how much soap is left. It’s like a built-in indicator. When the soap level gets low, it’s a visual cue for you, your cleaning team, or anyone else in charge of upkeep. No more guesswork. You know when it’s time for a refill.

This might sound like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in keeping your property in tip-top shape. After all, we’ve all had those moments when we go to use the soap, and it’s running on empty. Transparent dispensers eliminate those awkward “Oops, no soap” situations.

We’re not just talking about hand soap here. This applies to shampoo and other bathroom essentials too. Imagine your guests stepping into the shower and seeing a nearly empty shampoo dispenser. It’s not the kind of surprise anyone enjoys. With transparency, you ensure that your guests always have access to what they need.

4. Seating That Accommodates Guests

Seating That Accommodates Guests
Seating That Accommodates Guests

We’re here with another game-changing Airbnb hosting hack, and this one’s all about seating. It might sound like a simple thing, but trust us, it’s often a missed opportunity to enhance your guests’ experience. So, let’s dive into why accommodating seating is crucial and how you can make it work, even in smaller spaces.

Here’s a scenario that might sound all too familiar: you’ve got a beautiful Airbnb, but the seating is a bit lacking. Maybe you’ve got a small couch or just a couple of chairs, and yet you’re planning to host a group of friends or a family of four. The result? Your guests feel like they’re playing musical chairs, except it’s not as fun.

That’s a common mistake, and it can have a big impact on your guests’ comfort and overall satisfaction. After all, who wants to stand around or sit on the floor when they’re on vacation? Not exactly the kind of relaxation your guests are looking for.

But fear not, there’s a solution. It’s all about maximizing comfort, even in smaller spaces. One fantastic option is to go for deep-seated furniture. Deep seating allows your guests to sink in and truly relax. Even if you have limited space, a couch or chair with a deep seat offers that cozy feeling that everyone loves.

It’s all about choosing the right pieces of furniture. For example, if you have a small living room, you can opt for a love seat with deep seating. This way, you’re not compromising on comfort, and you’re making the most of the available space. Guests will appreciate having a comfy spot to unwind after a day of sightseeing or exploring.

But why does it matter so much? Well, guest comfort plays a significant role in their reviews and overall satisfaction. When guests feel comfortable and cozy in your space, they’re more likely to leave glowing reviews and recommend your Airbnb to others. Word-of-mouth is a powerful tool in the world of hosting.

A well-appointed seating area is also about creating a space where guests can connect, unwind, and enjoy their time. It’s where they bond with family or friends, share stories of their adventures, or simply relax with a good book or movie. Your Airbnb is their home away from home, and you want them to feel that warmth and hospitality.

Now, we understand that not everyone wants big, bulky furniture in their space, especially if you’re aiming for a clean and modern design. But that’s where the magic of deep seating comes in. It allows you to offer comfort without sacrificing style.

So, don’t make the mistake of inadequate seating for your guests. Get creative, choose deep-seated furniture, and make sure everyone has a comfortable place to sit and relax. Your guests will thank you with those glowing reviews, and you’ll set yourself on the path to being an exceptional host.

5. Smart Locks and Emergency Lockboxes

Smart Locks and Emergency Lockboxes
Smart Locks

Alright, hosts, get ready for a game-changer that’s all about convenience and security: smart locks and those trusty emergency lockboxes with spare keys. We’re diving into why these should be your go-to when it comes to securing your Airbnb property.

First things first, let’s talk about smart locks. If you haven’t embraced this technology yet, it’s time to consider it. Smart locks offer a world of convenience for both you and your guests. Here’s the deal — you install a smart lock on your front door, and it opens up a whole new level of ease for your guests.

Imagine your guests arrive late at night or during a rainstorm. Instead of fumbling around with physical keys, they can use their smartphones or a unique code to unlock the door. It’s like a magic portal to your cozy Airbnb. No more lost or misplaced keys, and no need to rush to meet your guests for check-in. They can arrive at their own convenience, and you can remotely grant them access if needed.

Now, you might be thinking, “What if the smart lock malfunctions or the guests can’t figure it out?” That’s where emergency lockboxes come to the rescue. It’s like having a secret stash of keys ready for action. If the smart lock ever decides to take a break or the guests face some tech trouble, you’ve got a spare set of keys safely tucked away.

in the case of a lock malfunction that can’t be resolved remotely, that’s when the spare keys come in handy. It’s your backup plan. Having an emergency lockbox with spare keys outside your property means you can avoid those late-night, rain-soaked trips to let in your guests. Your guests won’t have to wait outside wondering if they’re in the right place. It’s all about that peace of mind.

So, whether you’re already using smart locks or still rocking the traditional lock and key, consider making the switch to smart locks and adding an emergency lockbox with spare keys. It’s a combination that offers both convenience and peace of mind for you and your guests.

6. Coffee and Supplies — A Welcome Surprise

Coffee and Supplies
Coffee and Supplies

providing coffee and essential supplies. It’s all about those small touches that make your guests’ stay extra special.

Imagine this: your guests check into your Airbnb, tired from their journey, and ready for a good night’s sleep. But as they walk in, they discover something is missing. It’s that delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee. They open the kitchen cabinets to find…well, nothing. No coffee, no creamer, no sugar. Just an empty void where their morning pick-me-up should be. The disappointment is palpable.

The lesson here? Stock your Airbnb with the essentials. If you can, provide coffee, creamer, and sugar, so your guests can enjoy that first cup of joe without rushing to the store. It’s a simple touch that can set the tone for a wonderful stay. Remember, your Airbnb is not just a place to sleep; it’s a home away from home.

Now, we understand that not everyone is a coffee lover, but there are other ways to cater to your guests. If you have midterm furnished rentals, you might opt for a full bag of local boutique coffee. It’s a thoughtful gesture that adds a local flavor to your guests’ experience.

As for the rest of the supplies, think about what your guests might need during their stay. Trash bags, dish soap, and other basic essentials can make their lives easier. It’s all about providing a seamless and comfortable experience. You can even create a list of essential supplies and share it with your guests in advance, so they know what to expect.

So, if you want to leave a lasting impression and make your guests feel truly welcome, consider providing coffee and essential supplies. It’s those little surprises that can turn a good stay into a remarkable one. Your guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and it’s one more step on the path to becoming an exceptional host.

7. Pillows — Catering to Diverse Preferences


Let’s start with a simple fact: we all have different pillow preferences. Some of us love soft, fluffy clouds to rest our heads on, while others prefer something more supportive and firm. As hosts, it’s our job to cater to these diverse needs. After all, a good night’s sleep is one of the key elements of a memorable stay.

You see, when guests check into your Airbnb, they’re looking for that home-away-from-home experience. And part of feeling at home is having a pillow that suits their sleep style. A comfortable pillow can be the difference between a restless night and a peaceful slumber.

Here’s why it matters so much: people have different preferences when it comes to pillow firmness. For some, a soft, down alternative pillow is like a dream come true. It’s all about sinking into a cloud of fluffiness. Others, though, prefer something firmer, like a memory foam pillow that offers more support. The thing is, you can’t always predict what your guests will prefer, and that’s where offering different pillow options comes in.

Think about it this way: when you go to a hotel, you usually have the choice of different pillow types. Why? Because hotels understand the importance of a good night’s sleep, and they want to cater to your specific preferences. As Airbnb hosts, we should adopt the same approach. After all, our goal is to create the best possible experience for our guests.

Now, you might be wondering, “What types of pillows should I offer?” Great question! Here are a few suggestions:

  • Soft Down Alternative: These are like sleeping on a cloud. They’re perfect for guests who love that plush, soft feel.
  • Firm Memory Foam: These pillows offer excellent support for those who need a more structured surface to rest their heads.
  • Medium Fill: These pillows are a middle-ground option, providing a balance between softness and support.

By offering a variety of pillow types, you’re covering a broad range of preferences. You don’t have to go overboard, but having a couple of options available can make a world of difference.

Remember, your guests’ comfort and sleep quality directly impact their experience and their reviews. If they have a fantastic night’s sleep thanks to the perfect pillow, they’re more likely to leave glowing feedback and recommend your Airbnb to others.

So, don’t underestimate the power of the pillow. It might seem like a small detail, but it’s all about those thoughtful touches that elevate your hosting game. By offering different pillow options, you’re showing your guests that you care about their comfort and that you go the extra mile to make their stay exceptional.

8. Live TV Streaming on Smart TVs

Smart TV

live TV streaming on smart TVs. It’s all about offering your guests a bit of homey entertainment and staying up-to-date with their favorite shows or sports events.

Picture this: your guests have had a long day of exploring your city, and they’re finally back at your cozy Airbnb. They might want to catch up on the latest news, watch a game, or simply unwind with their favorite TV shows. But here’s the thing — they don’t want to fiddle around with complicated setups or search for streaming apps. They just want to kick back and relax.

That’s where live TV streaming on smart TVs comes into play. Smart TVs with built-in streaming services like Roku, Amazon Fire TV, or Apple TV offer your guests a seamless and familiar experience. They can access their favorite streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+ with ease. It’s like having a little slice of home right in your Airbnb.

Let’s talk about the value of this addition. By providing live TV streaming, you’re giving your guests a chance to unwind and enjoy some downtime without the hassle of subscriptions or login details. It’s a small investment that goes a long way in enhancing their overall satisfaction.

Now, we understand that it’s 2023, and most people have their own streaming service logins. But here’s the kicker — many guests don’t have access to live TV options. Whether it’s for sports, live news, or catching up on their favorite sitcoms, live TV streaming is a valuable bonus.

In most of our properties, we offer YouTube TV. It’s a fantastic option that includes a wide range of channels for sports, news, and entertainment. Of course, there are other options out there like DirecTV Now, Hulu Live, or Sling. The key is to choose one that suits your hosting style and your guests’ preferences.

9. Electronic Handles for Linen Closets

Electronic Handles

Say goodbye to old-fashioned keys and hello to a more convenient and secure way of managing your Airbnb.

Why should you consider electronic handles for your linen closets? Well, it’s all about convenience, security, and the evolving world of hosting. In the good old days, using traditional keys to access linen closets might have been the norm. But today, there’s a smarter and more efficient way.

Let’s break it down. Electronic handles are a modern solution that eliminates the need for physical keys. Instead, you use a keypad or a code to unlock the linen closet. It’s like having a secret combination that only you and your trusted team know. No more worrying about lost keys, changing locks, or the hassle of duplicating keys.

Now, why is relying on keys no longer the optimal choice? First of all, keys can get lost, stolen, or misplaced. When you’re dealing with multiple guests and cleaning teams, it’s a recipe for potential problems. Imagine a guest checking out and accidentally taking the linen closet key with them. You’re left with a locked closet and no easy solution.

Electronic handles, on the other hand, eliminate this headache. You can change the code or combination at any time, instantly revoking access for anyone who shouldn’t have it. It’s a level of control that old-fashioned keys simply can’t match.

We’ve witnessed the power of electronic handles firsthand. In the past, we used key locks and placed spare keys in lockboxes for our cleaning teams to access linen closets. But as our property portfolio grew, we became less and less fond of traditional keys. The risk of them falling into the wrong hands or going missing was too great.

That’s when we made the switch to electronic handles. It’s a choice we’ll never look back from. The convenience, security, and peace of mind are worth every penny. Plus, it’s a small but significant step towards a more streamlined hosting operation.

Now, you might be thinking, “What electronic handle should I choose?” Great question! There are several options out there, but we’ve got a favorite that we recommend. It’s a keypad handle that offers both convenience and security. Plus, it’s user-friendly for your cleaning teams and other trusted individuals.

The transition to electronic handles is not only a smart move but also a reflection of the changing landscape of hosting. It’s about staying ahead of the game and embracing modern solutions that simplify your hosting experience.

In a world where technology reigns supreme, electronic handles for linen closets are a host’s secret weapon. They make managing your Airbnb property a breeze and give you peace of mind that your essentials are safe and accessible.

10. Host Responsiveness and SEO Rankings

Host Responsiveness

This one’s a bit different but equally important — it’s all about host responsiveness and its connection to SEO rankings.

Now, you might be thinking, “What does host responsiveness have to do with SEO rankings?” Well, buckle up because it’s a fascinating journey into the world of Airbnb and search engine optimization.

First things first, what is host responsiveness? It’s all about how quickly and effectively you, as a host, respond to guest inquiries and messages. When guests have questions or need assistance, your responsiveness is a critical factor in their overall experience.

But here’s where it gets intriguing. Airbnb’s search algorithm takes host responsiveness into account when ranking properties. In simpler terms, if you’re quick to respond and provide helpful information, your property is more likely to appear higher in search results. And that, my friends, means more visibility and more bookings.

So, how can you maintain high response rates and engage with your guests effectively? Here are some strategies:

  • Set Clear Expectations: In your listing, be transparent about your response times. Let guests know when they can expect to hear from you. If you can, aim for a quick response within a few hours.
  • Use Airbnb’s Messaging System: Keep your communication within Airbnb’s platform. It’s not just good practice; it’s also tracked by Airbnb when calculating your response rate.
  • Prepared Responses: Create templates for common questions or messages. It’s a time-saver and ensures you provide consistent information.
  • Stay Organized: Use Airbnb’s dashboard to track and prioritize messages. This helps you manage multiple inquiries more efficiently.
  • Automate When Possible: Consider using message automation tools for routine tasks. Just be sure to add a personal touch when necessary.
  • Be Polite and Helpful: Even if you’re addressing a complaint or an issue, always maintain a courteous and helpful tone in your messages.
  • Check for New Messages Regularly: Make it a habit to check for messages throughout the day, especially during peak booking hours.
  • Offer Local Insights: Be ready to share local tips and recommendations with your guests. It’s a valuable add-on to their stay.

In the world of Airbnb, guest satisfaction and your search visibility are closely linked. The more satisfied guests you have, the more positive reviews you’ll receive. Positive reviews, in turn, boost your rankings. It’s a beautiful cycle of hosting success.

Conclusion: Elevating Your Airbnb Experience

And there you have it, dear hosts — our 10 easy hacks for an exceptional Airbnb experience. It’s been quite a journey, and we hope you’re feeling inspired to take your hosting to the next level. Let’s recap the magic we’ve uncovered.

  1. Labeling Kitchen Cabinets: Make life easier for your guests and your cleaning crew with labeled cabinets. It’s all about convenience and maintaining order in your Airbnb.
  2. Dishwasher-Safe, Dark Cutting Boards:** Avoid the headache of damaged cutting boards and offer your guests a hassle-free way to keep things clean.
  3. Transparent Refillable Soap Dispensers:** Keep it clean and efficient with these nifty soap dispensers. They look great and make refilling a breeze.
  4. Seating That Accommodates Guests:** Never leave your guests searching for a place to sit. Comfortable seating is key to a memorable stay.
  5. Smart Locks and Emergency Lockboxes:** Provide security and convenience with smart locks and backup keys. No more late-night locksmith calls.
  6. Coffee and Supplies: A Welcome Surprise:** Stock your place with coffee and essential supplies. You’d be surprised how these little things can make a big impact.
  7. Pillows: Catering to Diverse Preferences:** Remember that everyone sleeps a bit differently. Offer a range of pillow options to keep your guests comfortable.
  8. Live TV Streaming on Smart TVs:** Bring the joys of home entertainment to your guests with smart TVs and live TV streaming. It’s a small investment for a big win.
  9. Electronic Handles for Linen Closets:** Say goodbye to old-fashioned keys and embrace modern electronic handles. They’re secure, convenient, and a game-changer for linen closet access
  10. Host Responsiveness and SEO Rankings:** Don’t underestimate the power of quick and helpful responses. It’s not just about guest satisfaction; it’s also a secret weapon for improving your Airbnb SEO rankings.

These simple changes can have a profound impact on both guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. They’re not just hacks; they’re your secret weapons in the competitive world of Airbnb hosting.

So, whether you’re a seasoned superhost or just starting on your hosting journey, consider implementing these hacks. Your guests will appreciate the thoughtful touches, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of higher bookings and rave reviews.

Your Airbnb experience is what sets you apart, so go ahead and elevate it with these 10 fantastic hacks. Happy hosting, and may your guests’ smiles be your best reward!



Andrew Airbnb

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