10 Proven Tips to Promote Your Airbnb Listing on Instagram

Andrew Airbnb
22 min readOct 11, 2023


Promote Airbnb Listing on Instagram |10 Proven Tips
Promote Airbnb Listing on Instagram |10 Proven Tips

Hey there, Airbnb hosts! If you’re looking to boost your bookings and welcome more guests into your Airbnb, you’re in the right place. Did you know that over 200 million people use Instagram every day to find travel inspiration? That’s a whole lot of potential guests scrolling through their feeds, dreaming about their next adventure. So, why not tap into this massive pool of wanderlust-driven users to promote your Airbnb listing?

In this article, we’re going to spill the beans on 10 proven tips to help you promote your Airbnb listing on Instagram successfully. We’ve got you covered from A to Z when it comes to Instagram promotion. So, whether you’re a newbie to the platform or an Instagram pro looking to up your game, this guide has everything you need to make your property stand out in the Instagram crowd and boost those bookings.

We understand that your time is precious, and you’ve got a lot on your plate as an Airbnb host. That’s why we’ve packed this article with all the essential information you need to become an Instagram promotion whiz. After reading this comprehensive guide, you won’t need to look anywhere else for Instagram promotion tips. We’ve got your back from start to finish.

Let’s dive right in and make your Airbnb listing shine on Instagram!

Tip 1: Create a Dedicated Airbnb Instagram Account

Tip 1 Create a dedicated Airbnb Instagram account
Tip 1 Create a dedicated Airbnb Instagram account

Alright, folks, let’s kick things off with Tip #1 in our quest to supercharge your Airbnb game on Instagram. You know, the first step is often the most crucial, and in this case, it’s all about setting up a dedicated Instagram account just for your Airbnb listing.

Why is this a big deal, you ask? Well, let’s break it down:

Professional Vibes: Imagine you’re scrolling through Instagram, looking for the perfect place to stay on your next adventure. You stumble upon an account with a mishmash of personal photos, cat memes, and maybe even some questionable cooking experiments. Not exactly confidence-inspiring, right? Having a dedicated Airbnb Instagram account lets you create a sleek and professional image for your listing.

Easy Peasy Discovery: Think of your Instagram account as a treasure map, and your potential guests are the treasure hunters. By keeping your Airbnb content separate from your personal stuff, you’re making it a whole lot easier for those treasure hunters to find you. And trust me, when they find your dazzling photos and charming descriptions, they’ll be hooked!

Show Off Your Pad: You’ve got a killer Airbnb listing, and you want the world to see it, right? A dedicated Instagram account is like your virtual showroom. It’s where you can proudly display those drool-worthy photos and videos of your listing and the amazing neighborhood it’s in.

Chat with Guests: Communication is key, my friends. Having a separate account gives you a dedicated space to interact with potential guests. They can slide into your DMs with questions, and you can respond without all those personal distractions getting in the way.

Expand Your Reach: Remember, Instagram is like a bustling marketplace with millions of potential guests wandering around. With a dedicated Airbnb account, you can cast a wider net and promote your listing to a broader audience. More eyes on your listing means more bookings in your calendar.

Now, let’s get down to business. Here’s how you create that shiny new Airbnb Instagram account:

Step 1: Go to Instagram.com First things first, fire up your trusty web browser and head to Instagram.com. Easy peasy, right?

Step 2: Click “Sign Up” Look for the “Sign Up” button. It’s usually right there on the homepage, impossible to miss.

Step 3: Fill in the Basics Instagram will ask for your email address, a username (pro tip: keep it related to your Airbnb listing), and a password. Choose something memorable but secure.

Step 4: Profile Flair Select a profile photo that screams “Hey, I’m a fantastic Airbnb host!” And don’t forget to spice up your bio. Include a link to your Airbnb listing (so guests can book easily) and give a snappy description of your property.

Step 5: Seal the Deal Once you’ve filled in the essentials and double-checked everything, hit the “Create Account” button. Ta-da! You’ve just taken the first step to Airbnb stardom on Instagram.

So there you have it, Tip #1 in the bag. You’ve got your dedicated Airbnb Instagram account ready to roll. Now, stay tuned because we’ve got nine more juicy tips coming your way to make your Airbnb listing shine like a superstar on Instagram! 🌟

Tip 2: Optimize your Airbnb Instagram account

Tip 2 Optimize your Airbnb Instagram account
Tip 2 Optimize your Airbnb Instagram account

So, you’ve already taken the first step and created a dedicated Instagram account for your Airbnb listing. Good job! Now it’s time to give it a little makeover to make sure it’s as appealing as your cozy Airbnb spot.

Write a Clear and Concise Bio:

Your Instagram bio is like the front door to your online Airbnb world. It’s what potential guests see first, so you want it to be welcoming and informative. Keep it simple but tell people who you are, what you do (you’re an Airbnb host, duh!), and why they should book a stay with you. Make sure to drop a link to your Airbnb listing in your bio. You want to make it super easy for people to find your rental.

Use Relevant Keywords:

When you think about Instagram, it’s not just about pretty pictures; it’s also a search engine. So, think like a detective — what would potential guests be typing into that search bar? Words like “Airbnb,” “vacation rental,” and the location of your listing are gold. Sprinkle these keywords in your bio, captions, and hashtags. This will up your chances of popping up when someone’s scrolling for a perfect getaway.

Choose a Killer Profile Photo:

You know what they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, your profile photo is worth a thousand bookings! Pick a high-quality pic that shows off the best feature of your Airbnb. For instance, if you’ve got a beachfront spot, show those happy guests frolicking in the waves. It’ll make people want to dive into your listing, literally.

Hashtag It Up:

Hashtags are your secret weapon to reach more people. Use relevant ones like #Airbnb, #vacationrental, and #travel. Don’t forget to include your location hashtag, and get creative with specific ones that match your listing. Have a cabin in the woods? Try #cabinlife. A pet-friendly haven? Go with #petfriendly. You get the drift!

Switch to a Business Account:

If you’re serious about turning your Instagram into a booking powerhouse, switch to a business account. This nifty move opens up a treasure trove of insights about your followers and your post performance. Plus, you’ll be able to run those slick Instagram ads we all love to hate (or is it hate to love?).

Tip 3: Take high-quality photos and videos of your Airbnb listing

Tip 3 Take high-quality photos and videos of your Airbnb listing
Tip 3 Take high-quality photos and videos of your Airbnb listing

Let’s be real, folks — in the world of Instagram, pictures are everything. Your photos and videos are like the appetizer to a delightful travel experience, and they need to look mouthwateringly good. So, how do you make sure your Airbnb listing stands out in the sea of vacation pics? Well, here are some simple tips:

Embrace Natural Light:

Alright, picture this: soft, golden sunlight streaming through the windows, making your space look like a dream. That’s the power of natural light, my friends. Whenever you can, snap your photos during the day when the sun’s doing its thing. It’s the most flattering light for your listing.

Stage Like a Pro:

Before you go all paparazzi on your place, take a moment to set the stage. Arrange your furniture and decor so that it looks inviting and drool-worthy. Fresh flowers or other cute knick-knacks can add that extra charm. Remember, you’re selling an experience, not just a room.

Get a Tripod:

Shaky hands are the enemy of crisp photos. If you want to avoid blurry snaps, invest in a tripod. It’ll keep your camera steady as a rock, even in low-light conditions. You’ll thank us later when your photos are all Insta-worthy.

Edit Like a Pro:

After you’ve snapped your pics, don’t just post them as-is. Give ’em a little makeover with photo editing software. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation to make them pop. Crop them to highlight the best bits of your listing. It’s like using filters but way more legit.

Now, you don’t necessarily need to be a photography buff or own a fancy camera to ace this. Smartphones these days have pretty solid cameras. Just remember to apply the tips above and don’t be afraid to experiment with settings.

Here are a few more pro tips to up your Instagram game:

Show Different Angles:

People want the full scoop on your place. Take shots from various angles to give potential guests a better sense of your listing’s layout and size. Don’t forget to showcase the exterior as well as the interior. You want them to imagine themselves chilling in your space.

Zoom in on the Details:

Highlight what makes your Airbnb unique. Snap close-ups of those cool features like a cozy fireplace, a stylish kitchen island, or an awesome outdoor deck. These little details can make your listing feel more inviting.

Flaunt the Surroundings:

If your Airbnb is in a beautiful area, show it off! Capture the nearby parks, mouthwatering restaurants, quirky shops, and exciting attractions. Potential guests will be drawn to not just your place, but the whole experience.

Now, for a little visual inspiration, picture these Airbnb photos:

A wide-angle shot of your living room, showcasing the comfy vibes and spaciousness.
A close-up of your kitchen island, complete with fresh flowers and a bowl of juicy fruits.
A snap of your outdoor deck, featuring a cozy patio set and a breathtaking view.
A shot of the local beach with crystal-clear waters and powdery white sand.
A pic of a nearby park with a cheerful playground and a scenic walking path.

Tip 4: Write engaging captions that tell the story of your Airbnb listing and its location

Tip 4 Write engaging captions that tell the story of your Airbnb listing and its location
Tip 4 Write engaging captions that tell the story of your Airbnb listing and its location

You see, your captions are like the secret sauce that makes your Airbnb listing stand out. They’re what tell the story of your place and why it’s the bomb. So, let’s dive into some tips for crafting captivating captions:

Tell a Tale:

First things first, people are suckers for stories. Your caption is your chance to spin a yarn about your Airbnb and its location. What makes your spot special? What do guests rave about? What adventures await in the area? Share those juicy details.

Paint a Picture:

Use words to create a mental postcard. Describe your Airbnb and its surroundings with descriptive language. What does it look like? How does it feel? Heck, even what does it smell like? Make readers feel like they’re already there.

Show Some Personality:

Let your personality shine through in your captions. Share your own experiences staying at your place or throw in some anecdotes from your guests. It makes your Airbnb feel more personal and relatable.

Sprinkle in Some Humor:

A dash of humor can work wonders. It shows you’re approachable and fun-loving. But keep it light and friendly — you don’t want to accidentally offend anyone. Laughter is great, but not at the expense of bookings!

Include a Call to Action (CTA):

Don’t leave your readers hanging. Tell them what you want them to do next. Do you want them to check out your Airbnb listing page? Maybe you’re nudging them to book a reservation? Or perhaps you’d like them to follow your Instagram account? Be clear about your intentions.

Now, let’s check out a few examples of engaging Airbnb Instagram captions to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Imagine waking up to the soothing sound of ocean waves and the aroma of fresh coffee at our beachfront Airbnb. ☕🌊
  • Our cozy cabin is your escape from the daily grind — the perfect spot to unwind after a day of mountain adventures. 🏔️✨
  • Our spacious and welcoming home is where memories are made. Gather your loved ones and let the good times roll! 🏡❤️
  • Our Airbnb is smack dab in the heart of the city, steps away from the best eats, shops, and attractions. 🍔🛍️
  • Ready for an epic getaway in [your city]? Book your stay with us now and experience the best of what this city has to offer! 🌇✈️

But hey, we’re not done yet. Here are some bonus tips for you:

Hashtag It Up:

Don’t forget to toss in some relevant hashtags. These little buddies can help more people discover your captions. Use popular ones like #Airbnb, #vacationrental, and #travel. And, of course, include hashtags that are specific to your listing and its features.

Keep It Short and Sweet:

Attention spans on Instagram are about as long as a goldfish’s memory. So, keep your captions concise and snappy. Aim for a few sentences or less — quick and impactful.

Proofread, People:

Last but not least, give your captions a quick once-over for grammar and spelling hiccups. A typo can be a buzzkill in an otherwise awesome caption.

Tip 5: Use relevant hashtags

Tip 5: Use relevant hashtags
Tip 5: Use relevant hashtags

Get the Basics Right:

First off, let’s cover the basics. Hashtags are those little # symbols followed by a word or phrase. They’re like tags that categorize your posts. And guess what? They’re super useful for getting your Airbnb listing in front of the right eyes.

Go General:

Start with some general hashtags that fit your Airbnb gig. These include classics like #Airbnb, #vacationrental, #travel, and #[your location]. These broad ones cast a wide net, bringing in folks who are generally into what you’re offering.

Get Specific:

Now, let’s get more specific. Use hashtags that relate directly to your listing, like the type of property you have (e.g., #cabin, #beachhouse, #apartment), the cool amenities you offer (e.g., #pool, #petfriendly, #wifi), or the awesome activities guests can do in the area (e.g., #hiking, #skiing, #beaches). These ones narrow down your audience to those who are looking for precisely what you’ve got.

Mix and Match:

Here’s a pro tip — don’t stick to just one type of hashtag. Mix it up! Use a combo of general and specific ones in your posts. This way, you’re hitting a broader audience while also reaching the folks who are hunting for something as unique as your place.

Don’t Go Overboard:

Now, here’s a bit of a buzzkill — don’t overdo the hashtags. Instagram lets you use up to 30 of them in a single post, but trust us, you don’t want to look like a hashtag spammer. Aim for around 10–15 hashtags per post to keep things classy.

Some examples to get your creative hashtag juices flowing:

  • General hashtags: #Airbnb, #vacationrental, #travel, #[your location]
  • Specific hashtags: #cabin, #beachhouse, #apartment, #pool, #petfriendly, #wifi, #hiking, #skiing, #beaches

Bonus tip: For a little extra oomph, toss in some hashtags related to events or holidays. For instance, if your Airbnb listing is in a tourist hotspot, use hashtags like #summertravel, #wintervacation, or #springbreak.

Do Your Homework:

Before you go hashtag-happy, do a bit of research. Use the Instagram search bar to see how many folks are following each hashtag. Tools like Hashtagify.me can help you find relevant hashtags and even analyze their performance. It’s like hashtag detective work!

Keep It Fresh:

Here’s a ninja trick — don’t keep using the same old hashtags. Switch things up! Use a variety of hashtags in your posts to reach different groups of people. Variety is the spice of Instagram life.

Caption It Up:

Hashtags aren’t just for your post, my friend. You can also sneak them into your captions. It’s like seasoning your post with a little extra flavor. This can help your posts get discovered by folks who are searching for specific info.

Tip 6:Post regularly and consistently

Tip 6:Post regularly and consistently
Tip 6:Post regularly and consistently

Hey Instagram enthusiasts and Airbnb hosts, we’re back with another nugget of wisdom in our quest to boost your Airbnb listing on Instagram. This time, we’re talking about the power of regular and consistent posting.
Frequent Posts for the Win:

Let’s get this straight — the more you post on Instagram, the more eyeballs you’ll have on your content. So, the name of the game is regular and frequent posting. Aim for at least one post a day if you can swing it. But hey, if you’re up for the challenge, more is merrier. And if you can post at the same time each day, even better! Your followers will love that predictability.

Plan Ahead:

Now, here’s a nifty trick. Plan your posts in advance. It saves you time and ensures a steady flow of content. You can use handy scheduling tools like Planoly or Later to queue up your posts. So even when life gets hectic, your Instagram game stays strong.

Get Organized with a Content Calendar:

Ever heard of a content calendar? It’s like the blueprint for your Instagram feed. You can use it to plot out what you want to post, when to post it, and who you want to target. It’s like a roadmap to Insta-success.

Mix It Up:

Don’t stick to just photos and videos. Instagram offers a buffet of content formats — Stories, Reels, carousels, and more. Use them all to keep things fresh and exciting for your followers. Variety is the spice of Instagram life.

Engage with Your Followers:

Don’t be a silent poster. Interact with your followers! Respond to comments and answer questions on your posts. It’s like having a friendly chat with your guests. It builds trust and keeps your followers engaged.

Now, let’s dive into some cool ideas for Airbnb Instagram posts:

  • Show off your Airbnb listing with stunning photos and videos. Let potential guests see what they’re in for.
  • Highlight the awesome surroundings. Share snaps of nearby parks, beaches, restaurants, and attractions. It’s all part of the experience.
  • Drop some knowledge bombs. Post tips and advice for Airbnb guests. Share your wisdom on choosing the right listing, packing for a trip, or being a stellar guest.
  • Share your host stories. Share anecdotes about your favorite guests, funny incidents, or challenges you’ve faced. It humanizes you and your place.
  • Get interactive with contests and giveaways. It’s a fun way to engage your current followers and attract new ones.

By posting regularly and consistently, you’ll boost your Airbnb Instagram game and attract more potential guests. Now, let’s add a few more tricks to your arsenal:

Power Up with Social Media Tools:

Don’t do it all manually. Social media management tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social can save you time and streamline your Instagram game. They let you schedule posts, track performance, and analyze your results all in one place.

Batch Create Your Content:

Here’s a ninja move — batch create your content. Instead of creating content one post at a time, knock out a bunch of photos or videos in one go. Write a bunch of captions in a single sitting. It’ll save you time and make you a content-producing machine.

Delegate Like a Boss:

If managing your own social media feels like a daunting task, don’t sweat it. You can delegate it to someone else. There are freelance social media managers and agencies out there who can take this off your plate.

Tip 7: Interact with other Instagram users

Tip 7: Interact with other Instagram users

Engage, Don’t Just Post:

Instagram is not a one-way street. It’s a two-way conversation. So, don’t just post and ghost. Engage with your fellow Insta users. Comment on their posts, respond to their comments on your posts, and don’t be shy about sliding into those DMs (Direct Messages).

Build Connections:

Think of Instagram as a big, friendly party. You wouldn’t just stand in the corner, right? You’d mingle, chat, and make connections. So, follow other Airbnb hosts, travelers, and folks in your niche. Building a network can be a game-changer.

Be Genuine:

Authenticity is your secret weapon. Be yourself when interacting with others. It’s not about trying to impress or promote your Airbnb at every turn. Show genuine interest in what others are sharing and saying.

Collaborate and Cross-Promote:

This one’s a gem. Collaborate with others in your industry. It could be a fellow host, a travel blogger, or a local business. Share each other’s content, give shoutouts, or even run joint giveaways. It’s like a win-win for both parties.

Join Instagram Communities:

Instagram is bursting with communities and groups for various interests. Find ones related to travel, hosting, or your location. Participate actively in these communities. You’ll meet like-minded folks and gain more exposure.

Now, let’s dive into some fun ideas for interacting on Instagram:

  • Compliment other users on their stunning travel photos.
  • Share your thoughts on a travel blogger’s latest adventure.
  • Ask questions in your captions to spark conversations.
  • Respond to comments on your posts with enthusiasm.
  • Share user-generated content from guests who stayed at your Airbnb.
  • Collaborate with local businesses and feature them on your feed.

By interacting with others on Instagram, you’re not just promoting your Airbnb — you’re building relationships, expanding your reach, and creating a more engaging Instagram presence.

Instagram Stories:

Don’t forget about Stories — they’re your ticket to real-time interactions. Post behind-the-scenes glimpses of your Airbnb, ask questions, run polls, and even host Q&A sessions. It’s like a casual chat with your audience.

Use Location Tags:

When you post about your Airbnb or local hotspots, use location tags. This way, your posts will pop up when people search for that location. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs for potential guests to find you.

Respond to DMs Promptly:

When someone reaches out via DM, be sure to respond in a timely manner. Quick replies show that you’re attentive and friendly, which can go a long way in attracting potential guests.

Tip 8: Use Instagram Stories

Tip 8: Use Instagram Stories
Tip 8: Use Instagram Stories

it’s all about those snappy, ephemeral stories — Instagram Stories!

Stories Are the Real Deal:

Let’s start with the basics. Instagram Stories are like bite-sized posts that vanish after 24 hours. They’re perfect for sharing moments, updates, and glimpses into your Airbnb world. And the best part? They appear right at the top of your followers’ feeds, so they’re hard to miss.

Show Off Your Airbnb in Real Time:

Stories are your ticket to showcasing your Airbnb listing in real time. You can give quick tours, show off special features, or share the cozy vibes — all without cluttering your main feed.

Share Behind-the-Scenes Action:

People love a sneak peek behind the curtain. Use Stories to reveal the magic that goes into maintaining your Airbnb. Share cleaning tips, host hacks, or even funny mishaps — it humanizes your hosting journey.

Engage with Your Audience:

Here’s the fun part — Stories allow you to engage directly with your audience. Use interactive features like polls, quizzes, and questions to get your followers involved. It’s like hosting a virtual party!

Share User-Generated Content:

If guests share their experiences on their own Instagram accounts, repost their content on your Stories (with their permission, of course). It’s like free advertising and adds authenticity to your listing.

Post Consistently:

Keep the Stories rolling regularly. You don’t have to post every hour, but a few times a week will keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Consistency is key.


Okay, here’s another cool feature — Story Highlights. These are like mini albums that live on your profile, showcasing your best Stories. You can create Highlights for things like “Guest Reviews,” “Local Tips,” or “Property Tours.” It’s like giving your Stories a permanent home.

Use Hashtags and Location Stickers:

Don’t forget to add relevant hashtags and location stickers to your Stories. This boosts discoverability. When people search for your location or a related hashtag, your Stories might pop up. It’s like a GPS for new followers.

Collaborate with Others:

Remember collaborating with fellow hosts and local businesses? Share their content on your Stories, and they might return the favor. It’s like a digital handshake that benefits everyone.

Keep It Fun:

Lastly, keep your Stories fun and authentic. Share your personality, quirks, and the unique charm of your Airbnb. It’s like inviting guests into your world, even before they book.

Tip 9: Collaborate with Other Airbnb Hosts or Travel Influencers

Tip 9: Collaborate with Other Airbnb Hosts or Travel Influencers
Tip 9: Collaborate with Other Airbnb Hosts or Travel Influencers

Why Collaborate, You Ask?

Well, think about it this way: these hosts and influencers already have a tribe of travel-loving followers who trust their recommendations. When you join forces, you tap into that ready-made audience, making it easier to promote your Airbnb listing.

How to Make It Happen:

Collaborating isn’t just about saying, “Hey, let’s work together!” There are different ways to team up with others in the Airbnb and travel world. Here’s what you can do:

Guest Post Swap: Share Your Expertise:

Ever thought about writing a guest post for each other’s blogs? It’s a brilliant way to cross-pollinate your knowledge and tap into each other’s audiences. For instance, if you’re an Airbnb guru, share your tips on creating the perfect Airbnb experience on their blog.

Co-Create Instagram Magic:

Instagram is a goldmine for travel enthusiasts, and that’s where influencers shine. Consider crafting joint Instagram posts or stories with your collaborating buddy. This means your listing gets exposed to their followers, and vice versa. It’s like a double scoop of exposure!

Team Up for Contests and Giveaways:

Who doesn’t love a good contest or giveaway? Partner with your collaborator to host one. It’s a fantastic way to engage your followers and attract new ones. Just think about the excitement when you announce that someone can win a stay at your fabulous Airbnb!

Host Live Q&A Sessions:

Live sessions are all the rage, and they’re a perfect way to connect with your audience. Team up with your collaborator for a live Q&A. Answer questions about Airbnb hosting, travel tips, or anything else your followers want to know. It’s interactive and fun!

How to Choose the Right Collaborator:

Picking the right partner in crime is crucial. You want someone whose audience aligns with your Airbnb listing. Here’s what to consider:

Audience Alignment: Make sure your collaborator’s audience is similar to yours. You want to ensure your content resonates with their followers.

Define Your Goals: Before you dive in, be clear about what you want to achieve. Are you aiming to boost brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate bookings? Knowing your goals helps you measure success.

Respect Their Time: When you reach out, be prepared to provide all the necessary info. Make it as easy as possible for your collaborator to create top-notch content.

Shout It Out: Once your collaboration is live, promote it across your own social media and website. It’s all about maximizing exposure.

Real-Life Examples of Collaboration Success:

Still not convinced that collaborating is a game-changer? Check out these real-life success stories:

Ashley Brooke and Alex Chacon’s Blog Post Bonanza:
Airbnb host Ashley Brooke teamed up with travel influencer Alex Chacon for a blog post about the best Airbnb listings in Palm Springs.
Alex published the post on his website and shared it with his followers on social media.
The blog post drove a ton of traffic to Ashley’s Airbnb listing, resulting in several bookings.

Sarah Dutra and Lauren Conrad’s Instagram Extravaganza:
Airbnb host Sarah Dutra collaborated with travel influencer Lauren Conrad on an Instagram post about her Airbnb listing in Portugal.
Lauren shared the post with her followers, generating significant interest in Sarah’s listing.
The post led to several bookings from people who saw it.

David Brown and The Points Guy’s Epic Contest:
Airbnb host David Brown teamed up with travel influencer The Points Guy for a contest giveaway at his Airbnb listing in Hawaii.
The contest was promoted on The Points Guy’s website and social media channels.
It attracted a slew of entries, showcasing David’s Airbnb listing to a broad audience.

By joining forces with other Airbnb hosts or travel influencers, you can cast a wider net, promote your Airbnb listing effectively, and reel in more bookings. It’s all about working together to make your Airbnb venture soar!

Tip 10: Run Instagram ads

Tip 10: Run Instagram ads
Tip 10: Run Instagram ads

We’ve reached the final tip in our quest to help you promote your property successfully on the platform, and this one’s a game-changer — running Instagram ads.

Instagram Ads Demystified

Instagram ads are like digital billboards in the heart of your target audience’s social media feed. They’re designed to help you reach a broader audience and get your Airbnb listing in front of those who are most likely to be interested in booking it.

Setting Up Your Ad Account

To get started, you’ll need to create an ad account through Facebook Ads Manager. Once you have an ad account, you can start building your Instagram ad campaign. Select Instagram as the placement for your ad.

Define Your Budget and Audience

As with any advertising campaign, you’ll need to set a budget and determine your target audience. Instagram allows you to refine your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Think about who your ideal guests are and tailor your targeting accordingly.

Crafting Your Instagram Ad

Now, the fun part — creating your ad. You can opt for a photo ad, video ad, or carousel ad, depending on what best showcases your Airbnb listing. Here’s how to make your ad stand out:

High-Quality Visuals: Use stunning, high-quality photos and videos of your Airbnb and the surrounding area. You want your ad to capture attention instantly.

Clear and Compelling Ad Copy: Keep your ad copy concise and persuasive. Tell potential guests what makes your Airbnb unique and why they should book it. Don’t forget a strong call to action, like “Book now!”

Top Tips for Successful Instagram Ads

Now, let’s dive into some pro tips for running Instagram ads for your Airbnb:

Smart Audience Targeting:Use your knowledge of your ideal guests to target your ads effectively. Are they adventure seekers, foodies, or relaxation enthusiasts? Customize your audience based on their demographics and interests.

Budget and Monitoring: Set a budget you’re comfortable with before launching your ad campaign. As your campaign runs, keep a close eye on the results. Tracking performance helps you make informed decisions.

Get Creative with Ad Formats

Instagram offers various ad formats to choose from. Experiment with different ones to see which works best for your Airbnb listing. Whether it’s a captivating photo, an engaging video, or a carousel of images, mix it up to keep things interesting.

Hashtags Aren’t Just for Posts

Don’t forget to include relevant hashtags in your ad. These tags help people discover your ad when they’re searching for related content. Think of it as making your ad more searchable.

A/B Testing

To find the winning formula for your ads, run A/B tests. Try different ad creatives — different photos, videos, and ad copy — to see what resonates most with your target audience.

Monitor and Adjust

Use Instagram Ads Manager to keep tabs on how your ads are performing. Analyze the data, look for trends, and be ready to tweak your campaigns as needed.

In conclusion, the journey to promoting your Airbnb listing on Instagram is an exciting one, filled with opportunities to captivate potential guests and boost your bookings. By following the ten proven tips we’ve laid out in this guide, you can transform your Instagram presence into a powerful tool for showcasing your property and creating connections with travelers from around the world.

Stay tuned for our next installment, and in the meantime, we invite you to share your thoughts. What are your favorite Instagram promotion strategies for Airbnb? Do you have any questions or experiences to share? Leave a comment below, and let’s keep the conversation going. Your insights and questions may even shape the content of our final article. Thank you for joining us on this Instagram adventure, and we look forward to sharing more valuable insights with you soon.



Andrew Airbnb

Travel and Tourism Copywriter | Boost Your Listing's Visibility with My Compelling Copywriting! | https://tinyurl.com/airbnb-andrew